How Do You Feel About Your Fashion Style?
There has been a lot of buzz in the fashion industry and a huge surge of fashion events regarding indigenous fashion designers and accessories recently in Lagos state, Nigeria where I live. I am a very fashionable person and I love to dress up because it bolsters my self-confidence and gives me energy/drive to succeed.
Giving into Fashion isn’t materialistic. How we choose to dress has a significant effect on our self-esteem and confidence. Your outfit may alter how you approach and interact with the world. Your style and the cloths you choose reflect your mood, overall confidence and even your health.
Like Coco Chanel said, “Dress Shabbily And They Remember The Dress; Dress Impeccably And They Remember The Woman”.
As an individual, you are your own brand. Learn to network, market and sell your brand. Find your personal STYLE that suits you, which you feel comfortable to carry off easily. How you dress should not be a struggle. Be Trendy without becoming a slave to trends. Make sure it suits and portrays you right. Most importantly, know the effects of colors. Always always dress for the occasion and your target audience (Your target audience might be for an interview, church, presentation, wedding etc.) Everyday is a fashion show and the world is your runway.
When you look good, you feel good. It is not about how much it cost, but how well you put it together. Right or wrong cloths can affect your confidence. Remember, right/wrong here is relative.
P:S - Style with Attitude. Your fashion style reflects who you are and determines how people perceive you. Always do YOU! Go Ye Out And SLAY!!!
Here Are A List Of Fashion Bloggers/Style Influncers That I’m Loving At The Moment. Check Them Out And Thank Me Later:
Yours Truly > Amaka Orakwue of Strugzinspires @makusbaby on instagram
Stephanie Okafor of Metrogypsie
Claire Sulmers of Fashionbombdaily
Efe Tommy of Uberstyle
Jennifer Obayuwana of Polo Avenue
Velvet scrapbook
Irony of ashi
Denola Grey
Noble Igwe
Mai Atafo